Revolution Series

Revolution 52 | Season 13 – Derby Arena


Revolution Season 13 – Round 1

Author: Chris Maher, Photography: Chris Maher | Photography


Round 1: 14/15/16 August          Derby

Round 2: 24 October          Manchester

Round 3: 14 November         London

Round 4: 28 November         Glasgow

Round 5: 02 January          Manchester

Round 6: 23 January          Manchester


Saturday 14th March 2015, Afternoon Session 13.00 - 16.30, Evening Session 19.00 - 22.30.

Revolution 52


 T he Revolution Elite Championship and HOY Future Stars will begin at round 2 in Manchester on 24th October following the Special Opening Event at the Derby Arena on 14-16 August.

The Derby event is a special ‘Olympic Qualification’ event which has been developed in conjunction with Team GB to provide an opportunity to score some crucial UCI qualification points before the 15th September 2015 cut-off date.

The Stars are coming out to play in the three day, four session event. Big guns from the road return to the track in a statement of intent, on the path to Rio 2016. None bigger than former Tour de France Winner, Sir Bradley Wiggins.

The Manx Missile, Mark Cavendish who recently road the track in Europe returns in the hope of a chance of Olympic glory, riding the Madison with Sir Brad, whilst regular Trackies Ed Clancy, Owain Doull and Mark Christian will want to stamp their authority on the event.

The competition in all disciplines are once more attracting huge European athletes. Tim Veldt, Kenny de Ketele, Francois Pervis, Hugo Haak but to name a few, with the Women’s Events attracting Jolien D’Hoore, Pascale Jeuland, Laurie Berthon and Sandie Clair.

Leading British Endurance Women include the darling of the track and the biggest crowd pleaser Laura Trott, with Katie Archibald, Joanna Rowsell Shand, Elinor Barker and Grace Garner. Competing for the Sprint glory will be Rebecca James, Jessica Varnish and Danielle Khan, whilst Shanaze Reade returns to put on a show.



Doors open at 18:00. Racing from 19:00 to 22:30.

 S tars were falling in more ways than one in the opening session of Revolution 52 in Derby. World Champion Sprinter Francois Pervis tumbled in a collision with Matt Rotherham late-on into the evening as the Revolution Longest Lap came to its conclusion.

Pervis had also been beating by fellow countryman Quentin Lefargue in the kilometer time trial, but surprise of the evening was Callum Skinner going one place better to top the leader board with a 1:01.135.

Crowd favorite Laura Trott road into third position in the opening race of the evening, the 3000m individual pursuit. Riding against a super strong Ciara Horne who’s shown consistent form over the Summer months on the road, pipped former National Champion Joanna Rowsell Shand in this qualifying session.

The pair locked horns again in the final play-off, but this time, Rowsell-Shand had the upper hand on Horne, producing another 03:37.

Another upset in the Women’s 500m Time Trial for the Sprinters, saw Katy Marchant taking the podium from Jess Varnish by a whisker. Youngster Danielle Khan claimed third with France’s Sandie Clair fourth.

The biggest attraction on the evening was of course, Sir Bradley Wiggin’s return to the Track. Riding in the four-man Team Pursuit, brought the crowd alive as the laps began counting down. Setting a qualifying time in first position, Great Britain was just shy of a sub four minute ride with a 04:00.324 going into the final with Youth Team 100% ME.

Substituting Jon Dibben for Ed Clancy in the podium play-off, saw the only sub four performance of the night with a 03:54.974. The Netherlands went on to beat Austria for the final placings.


Event 1 Individual Pursuit – Qualifying Women

  1. Ciara Horne             GB   03.37.278
  2. Joanna Rowsell Shand    GB   03.37.438
  3. Laura Trott             GB   03.39.586
  4. Emily Kay               GB   03.42.202
  5. Leire Olaberria         Esp  03.43.916
  6. Emily Nelson            GB   03.46.938
  7. Katie Archibald         GB   03.48.178
  8. Lydia Gurley            Irl  03.48.496


Event 2 Team Pursuit – Qualifying Men

  1. Great Britain           Gbr  04.00.324
  2. 100% ME                 Gbr  04.04.568
  3. Netherlands             Ned  04.06.251
  4. Austria                 Aut  04.26.297


Event 3 500m Time Trial Women

  1. Katy Marchant           GB   00.34.117
  2. Jessica Varnish         GB   00.34.292
  3. Danielle Khan           GB   00.34.961
  4. Sandie Clair            Fra  00.35.262
  5. Yesna Rijhoff           Ned  00.35.757
  6. Laurine Van Riessen      Ned  00.36.006
  7. Shanaze Reade           GB   00.36.472
  8. Ellie Coster            GB   00.36.651


Event 4 Individual Pursuit – Finals Women

Joanna Rowsell Shand beat Ciara Horne in the final play-off. Laura Trott beat Emily Kay for the third place.


Event 5 1km Time Trial Men

  1. Callum Skinner          GB   01.01.135
  2. Quentin Lafague         Fra  01.01.878
  3. Francois Pervis         Fra  01.02.336
  4. Lewis Oliva             GB   01.02.749
  5. Matthew Rotherham       GB   01.02.810
  6. Matthew Crampton        GB   01.03.786
  7. Hugo Haak               Ned  01.03.794
  8. Jose Moreno Sanchez      Esp  01.04.935


Event 6 Young Riders Scratch Race Mixed

The Youth Scratch race ran over two rounds with Brad Dransfield (Kirkless CA)winning both races. Thamana Nel, Tom Humphrey and Ellie Russell finished both races in the same positions. In the first round, many of the field were lapped as they settled into a high pace of the twenty lap race, but managed to stay together for round two.


Event 7 Team Pursuit – Finals Men

Great Britain beat 100% ME in the Men’s Team Pursuit final. The Netherlands beat Austria for third place.


Event 8 Revolution Longest Lap – Sprinters Men

Great Britain’s Lewis Oliva won the Revolution Longest lap sprint to the line, beating fellow countryman Callum Skinner. The Netherlands Hugo Haak came home third with France’s Quentin Lefarague fourth.


Event 10 Scratch Race Women

Katie Archibald (GB)gained a lap halfway through the Women’s Scratch Race to claim the podium finishing safely in the bunch. Although several attacks were made to escape the peloton, it was Laura Trott that took the final bunch sprint.



Doors open at 11:00. Racing from 11:15 to 17:00.


Great Britain’s Matthew Gibson set the quickest qualifying time in the 4000m Individual Pursuit setting a time of 4.23.212 holding a perfect line around the boards of Derby Arena. His closest competitor Owain Doull will ride in the finals later in the day.


Event 1 Individual Pursuit – Qualifying Men

  1. Matt Gibson             04.23.212
  2. Owain Doull             04.25.420
  3. Germain Burton          04.25.664
  4. Dion Beukeboom          04.26.345
  5. Andrew Tennant          04.28.841
  6. Julien Morice           04.29.653
  7. Aleksandr Lisouski      04.32.144
  8. Jan-Willem Van Schip    04.33.110
  9. Jake Kelly              04.36.610
  10. Steven Burke       04.36.610
  11. Fintan Ryan        04.44.052
  12. Dennis Wauch       04.44.679
  13. Ivan Kovalev       04.45.562
  14. Mark Downey        04.46.751
  15. Roy Pieters        04.51.377


Event 2 Sprint Qualification Time Trial Men

  1. Lewis Oliva             10.067
  2. Callum Skinner           10.088
  3. Quentin Lafague         10.108
  4. Jason Kenny             10.109
  5. Francois Pervis         10.188
  6. Hugo Haak               10.327
  7. Philip Hindes           10.343
  8. Christos Volikakis      10.345
  9. Matthew Crampton        10.419
  10. Eoin Mullen        10.423
  11. Zafeiros Volikakis 10.508
  12. Matt Rotherham     10.530
  13. Jose Moreno Sanchez 10.633


Event 3 Sprint Qualification Time Trial Women

  1. Katy Marchant           11.163
  2. Jessica Varnish         11.276
  3. Dannielle Khan          11.286
  4. Victoria Williamson      11.333
  5. Tania Calvo             11.465
  6. Rebecca James           11.617
  7. Yesna Rijkhoff          11.644
  8. Olivia Montauban        11.662
  9. Sandie Clair            11.744
  10. Laurine Van Riessen 11.831
  11. Nicky Degrendele   11.942
  12. Shanaze Reade      12.043


 T he first Women’s Omnium event a forty lap Scratch Race, saw the first thirty laps run at a steady pace staying all together. With no one willing to commit early on the pace didn’t lift until around ten laps remaining.

As the race intensified, Ciara Horne attacked off the front of the pack with three laps to go, but faded in the final few hundred meters as the battle for the overall title began to take shape.

The crowd, already whipped up into a frenzy by Horne, we delighted to see Laura Trott cross the line first, with Jolien D’Hoore second and Laurie Berthon third in the bunch sprint.

A good start to Laura Trott’s Omnium campaign, but her biggest rivals were still looming within striking distance. The next event in this session will be the 3000m IP.


Event 4 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – 10Km Scratch Race Women

  1. TROTT, Laura            GBR
  2. D’HOORE, Jolien         BEL
  3. BERTHON, Laurie         FRA
  4. JEULAND, Pascale        FRA
  5. KAY, Emily              GBR
  6. WOJTYRA, Malgorzata     POL
  7. OLABERRIA, Leire        ESP
  8. ARCHIBALD, Katie        GBR
  9. NELSON, Emily           GBR
  10. STEEL, Elizabeth        NZL
  11. BOYLAN, Lydia           IRL
  12. HORNE, Ciara            GBR
  13. REYBOULD, Rebecca      GBR
  14. LLOYD, Manon            GBR


Event 5 Sprint – First Round Men

Oliva, Skinner, Lafargue, Kenny, Volikakis (C) & Hindes progress through.


Event 6 Sprint – First Round Women

Marchant, Varnish, Khan, Williamson, Calvo & Rijkhoff progress through.


 T he first Men’s Omnium event a sixty lap Scratch Race couldn’t of been any different to that of the Women’s event. An energetic start with small attacks from the start including Chris Latham whom managed a spell out-front.

It wasn’t long before a six man break got free to take a lap, with Clancy & Cavendish making the move. Seeing the danger, De Ketele and two others joined the front of the race also gaining a lap.

De Ketele and Lisouski manage to gain another lap on the field in the chaos as the race drew to it’s conclusion, with Dibben going for a long solo victory to cross the line first.

Clancy turned up the heat to take the bunch sprint for second placement, but both Brits were down a lap on De Ketele & Lisouski who lead the Men’s Omnium going into round two, the 4000m IP.


Event 7 The Sir Brailsford Omnium – Scratch Race Men

  1. DE KETELE, Kenny             BEL
  2. LISOUSKI, Aleksandr          BLR
  3. DIBBEN, Jonathan             GBR -1
  4. CLANCY , Ed                  GBR -1
  5. STEWART, Mark                GBR -1
  6. ELLORIAGA, Unai              ESP -1
  7. THOMAS, Benjamin             FRA -1
  8. EEFTING, Roy                 NED -1
  9. WOOD, Oliver                 GBR -1
  10. RODRIGUES, Gideoni      BRA -1
  11. CAVENDISH, Mark         GBR -1
  12. KNEISKY, Morgan         FRA -1
  13. DE PAUW, Moreno         BEL -1
  14. VELDT, Tim              NED -1
  15. KOVALEV, Ivan           RUS -1
  16. RYAN, Fintan            IRL -2
  17. WAUCH, Tobias           AUT -2
  18. DOWNEY, Mark            IRL -2
  19. MATZNER, Stefan         AUT -2
  20. LATHAM, Christopher     GBR -2
  21. MASTALLER, Stefan      AUT -2
  22. DOULL, Owain            GBR DNF


Event 8 The Sir Brailsford Omnium – 3000m Individual Pursuit Women

  1. Jolien D’Hoore               03.36.130
  2. Laura Trott                  03.38.769
  3. Katie Archibald              03.41.177
  4. Pascale Jeuland              03.44.607
  5. Ciara Horne                  03.44.628
  6. Emily Kay                    03.45.217
  7. Leire Olaberria              03.47.647
  8. Lydia Boyland                03.48.749
  9. Emily Nelson                 03.48.935
  10. Manon Lloyd             03.49.707
  11. Laurie Berthon          03.50.325
  12. Malgorzata Wojtyra      03.51.420
  13. Elizabeth Steele        03.57.303
  14. Rebecca Raybould        03.59.550


Event 9 Sprint – Quarter Final Men

Oliva, Skinner, Hindes & Kenny progress through.


Event 10   Sprint – Quarter Final Women

Marchant, Varnish, Rijkhoff & Calvo progress through.


Event 11 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – 4000m Individual Pursuit Men

  1. Chris Latham                 04.26.073
  2. Mark Cavendish               04.26.822
  3. Jon Dibben                   04.27.335
  4. Ed Clancy                    04.29.208
  5. Mark Stewart                 04.29.502
  6. Kenny de Ketele              04.30.886
  7. Gideoni Rodrigues            04.32.437
  8. Aleksandr Lisouki            04.34.138
  9. Unai Elloriaga               04.34.258
  10. Oli Wood                04.35.182
  11. Benjamin Thomas         04.35.755
  12. Tim Veldt               04.35.971
  13. Morgan Kniesky          04.36.161
  14. Moreno de Pauw          04.40.976
  15. Roy Eefing              04.41.085
  16. Ivan Kovalev            04.41.916

Downey, Ryan, Wauch, Matzner & Mastaller.



Doors open at 18:00. Racing from 19:00 to 22:00.


Event 12 Sprint – 5-8th Finals Men

Volikakis, Haak, Lafargue & Pervis


Event 13 Sprint – 5-8th Finals Women

Williamson, Khan, Clair & Montauban.


Event 14 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – Elimination   Women

  1. TROTT, Laura                GBR
  2. D’HOORE, Jolien         BEL
  3. ARCHIBALD, Katie        GBR
  4. JEULAND, Pascale        FRA
  5. KAY, Emily                    GBR
  6. NELSON, Emily           GBR
  7. OLABERRIA, Leire        ESP
  8. BERTHON, Laurie         FRA
  9. WOJTYRA, Malgorzata     POL
  10. STEEL, Elizabeth         NZL
  11. BOYLAN, Lydia            IRL
  12. REYBOULD, Rebecca      GBR
  13. LLOYD, Manon             GBR
  14. HORNE, Ciara              GBR


Revolution 52, The Women's Omnium Event, led by Laura Trott.
Revolution 52, The Women’s Omnium Event, led by Laura Trott.

Event 15 Sprint – Semi Final (Match A) Men

Lewis Oliva beat Jason Kenny in the semis. Callum Skinner beat Philip Hindes in a three round tie breaker to join Oliva.


Event 16 Sprint – Semi Final (Match A) Women

Katy Marchant beat Tania Calvo in the semis. Jessica Varnish beat Yesna Rijkhoff to join Marchant.


Event 17 Individual Pursuit – Finals   Men

Matthew Gibson continued his impressive qualifying performance to win the 4000 Individual Pursuit, passing Owain Doull in the closing stages of the race. Germain Burton squeezed a marginal win over Netherland’s Dion Beukeboom for third place.


Event 20 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – Elimination   Men

A fast start in the final Omnium Session from the day came to a halt as a collision on the home straight neutralized the race. The race then re-started and it wasn’t long before the pace intensified. Another crash, once again neutralized the race involving the same rider Rodrigues, this time with Jon Dibben.

With Omnium leader De Ketele finding himself out of contention early on, second place man Lisouski went out soon after.

With four Brits left to battle the top slots, Cavendish found himself on the Cote Azure and relegated from the remainder of the race. Ed Clancy went on the win the second round, with Chris Latham second and Benjamin Thomas of France third.


Event 23 Madison Time Trial Men

Great Britain’s Steven Burke & Owain Doull set the quickest time 0.55.240 in the Revolution Madison Time Trial, getting to close to the sub 55s Revolution record.

  • 100% ME   0.56.774
  • Austria   0.58.514
  • France    0.59.434
  • Belarus   1.00.316
  • Ireland   1.02.181
  • Belgium   1.21.760


Event 29 Revolution Longest Lap Men

  • Matthew Gibson
  • Morgan Kniesky
  • Thomas Benjamin
  • Alekandr Lisouki
  • Ivan Kovalev
  • Roy Eefing


Event 30 Sprint – Final Men

Lewis Oliva beat Callum Skinner to clinch the Sprint Title. Jason Kenny beat Philip Hindes.


Event 31 Sprint – Final Women

Katy Marchant beat Jessica Varnish to take the Sprint Title. Tania Calvo beat Yesna Rijkhoff over three heats.



Doors open at 11:00. Racing from 12:00 to 17:30.


Event 1 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – 1000m Time Trial Men

  1. Ed Clancy               01.02.628
  2. Chris Latham            01.04.383
  3. Roy Eefing              01.04.690
  4. Tim Veldt               01.04.770
  5. Mark Cavendish          01.05.282
  6. Jon Dibben              01.05.405
  7. Moreno De Pauw          01.05.938
  8. Kenny De Ketele         01.06.273
  9. Oli Wood                01.06.392
  10. Morgan Kniesky      01.06.538
  11. Aleksandr Lisouki  01.06.940
  12. Ryan Fintan        01.07.231


Event 2 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – 500m Time Trial Women

  1. Laura Trott                00.35.972
  2. Jolien D’Hoore           00.36.282
  3. Laurie Berthon           00.36.421
  4. Lydia Boyland            00.36.795
  5. Leire Olaberria           00.37.132
  6. Malgorzata Wojtyra      00.37.253
  7. Katie Archibald         00.37.279
  8. Pascale Jeuland         00.37.445
  9. Emily Kay                   00.37.982
  10. Emily Nelson             00.38.027
  11. Rebecca Raybould    00.38.151
  12. Liz Steele                    00.38.525


Event 3 Keirin – First Round   Men

Two heats saw Volikakis, Oliva & Crampton from heat one, and Kenny, Hindes & Haak from heat two progressed straight through to the next round.


Event 4 Keirin – First Round Women

Two heats saw Khan, Marchant & Calvo from heat one, and Clair, Van Riessen & Montauban from heat two progressed straight through to the next round.


Event 5 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – 250m Flying Lap Men

  1. Ed Clancy               13.120
  2. Roy Eefing              13.201
  3. Mark Cavendish          13.352
  4. Tim Veldt               13.488
  5. Jon Dibben              13.655
  6. Moreno De Pauw          13.663
  7. Chris Latham            13.680
  8. Kenny De Ketele         13.815
  9. Thomas Benjamin         14.001
  10. Unai Elloriaga      14.016
  11. Morgan Kniesky      14.064
  12. Tobias Wauch       14.159


Event 8 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – 250m Flying Lap Women

  1. Laura Trott             14.424
  2. Jolien D’Hoore          14.472
  3. Laurie Berthon          14.688
  4. Pascale Jeuland         14.744
  5. Katie Archibald         14.753
  6. Malgorzata Wojtyra      14.976
  7. Lydia Boyland           15.007
  8. Leire Olaberria         15.047
  9. Emily Nelson            15.192
  10. Emily Kay          15.257
  11. Rebecca Raybould   15.744
  12. Liz Steele         15.776


 T he final round in the Women’s Omnium saw Trott & D’Hoore fighting for the remaining points on offer. Trott having won four of the previous five rounds led by six points going into the Points Race from Jolien D’Hoore. Pascale Jeuland, Katie Archibald and Laurie Berthon were next best placed.

With ten lots of five points for each sprint, everything was still to play for.

The race got off to a very sedate pace with no impetus until the first sprint with Poland’s Malgorzata Wojtyra taking maximum points. Trott managed a third place and increased her lead slightly.

Trott took the next five points and D’Hoore was second over the line. Emily Kay, whom picked up fourth in the sprint kept her speed up and attacked off the front, Leire Olaberria joined her. The bunch picked up their pace for the first time since the start, but soon dropped it again after a couple of laps and the pair had gone back into the pack.

On the run up to the third sprint, Trott injected a bit of pace once more, D’Hoore and Berthon went by her over the line with Kay picking up the final points.

It was Archibald’s turn to turn the heat up, and this split the peloton for the first time. Trott was in the front train, but they came back together with around sixty-four laps remaining.

Kay once again injected pace taking maximum points, D’Hoore then Trott, then Archibald.

Spain’s Leire Olaberria chanced an attack off the front, but her effort wasn’t sufficient to break free.

Ireland’s Lydia Boyland had a sneaky attack off the front to gain a lap. This time the bunch let her dangle midway around the track, where she stayed to collect maximum points. D’Hoore sprinted in-front of Trott twice again, but this wouldn’t be enough to claim the overall victory.

The pace picked up once more as the peloton became active. Boyland went off the front again. This time it was Archibald that began to reel her back, but not before she had claimed her third set of maximum points in a row. Trott next, then D’Hoore mopping up the rest of the points, leaving only three sprints left.

Archibald gets the next sprint, with Jeuland, Kay and D’Hoore the final place. Trott misses out with two sprints remaining.

D’Hoore goes a lap before the penultimate sprint, but Trott’s not having any of that. Steaming around the final bend, Trott takes the penultimate sprint. The crowd are elated. Trott has five points advantage going into the final sprint.

Closing the competition in second place, Jolien D’Hoore takes the final sprint in style from Trott. But there wasn’t enough points left for her to take the victory from Laura Trott.

It took a number of cool down laps for Trott to regain her breath back. D’Hoore had pushed her to the limit. Once the colours had returned to her cheeks, the flowers were given over and several circuits of the track were appreciated by the audience.


Event 9 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – Points Race     Women

  1. Laura Trott
  2. Jolien D’Hoore
  3. Pascale Jeuland
  4. Katie Archibald
  5. Laurie Berthon
  6. Emily Kay
  7. Leire Olaberria
  8. Lydia Boyland
  9. Malgorzata Wojtara
  10. Emily Nelson
  11. Rebecca Raybould
  12. Manon Lloyd
  13. Liz Steele


Final Classification Omnium Results – Women

    • TROTT, Laura                    222
    • D’HOORE, Jolien               219
    • JEULAND, Pascale            172
    • ARCHIBALD, Katie            162
    • BERTHON, Laurie              161
    • KAY, Emily                           150
    • OLABERRIA, Leire            143
    • BOYLAN, Lydia                   143
    • WOJTYRA, Malgorzata     137
    • NELSON, Emily                  124
    • REYBOULD, Rebecca         88
    • LLOYD, Manon                    85
    • STEEL, Elizabeth                 77


Event 12 The Sir Dave Brailsford Omnium – Points Race Men

  1. Ed Clancy
  2. Mark Cavendish
  3. Chris Latham
  4. Jon Dibben
  5. Thomas Benjamin
  6. Kenny De Ketele
  7. Mark Stewart
  8. Unai Ellorriaga
  9. Tim Veldt
  10. Alexsandr Lisouki
  11. Moreno De Pauw
  12. Morgan Kniesky


Final Classification Omnium Results – Men

    • CLANCY , Ed                            228
    • CAVENDISH, Mark                210
    • LATHAM, Christopher          184
    • DIBBEN, Jonathan                 183
    • THOMAS, Benjamin               182
    • DE KETELE, Kenny                171
    • STEWART, Mark                    164
    • ELLORIAGA, Unai                  149
    • VELDT, Tim                             129
    • LISOUSKI, Aleksandr            126
    • DE PAUW, Moreno                116
    • KNEISKY, Morgan                 104
    • RODRIGUES, Gideoni           96
    • WAUCH, Tobias                      64
    • RYAN, Fintan                           64
    • DOWNEY, Mark                      38
    • MATZNER, Stefan                  34
    • KOVALEV, Ivan                      31
    • MASTALLER, Stefan               7
    • EEFTING, Roy                       DNF


Event 13 Keirin – Final Men

Jason Kenny won the Keirin final beating Lewis Oliva and Christos Volikakis.


Event 14 Keirin – Final   Women

Katy Marchant won the Keirin final beating Sandie Clair and Dannielle Khan.


Event 15   40 Km or 160 lap Madison   Men

Great Britain’s Sir Bradley Wiggins joined forces with Mark Cavendish to win a action packed, energetic session that lasted just shy of forty-five minutes.

Closest rivals were Belgium’s Kenny De Ketele and Moreno De Pauw who were eleven points behind after riding an average speed of 53.401kmph.

100%ME’s Chris Latham and Mark Stewart were third on the night, whilst early leaders ODP’s Germain Burton and Matthew Gibson dropped to fourth by one point scoring fourteen in total.


Event 16   Presentation – Omnium Winners & Winning Team


The next round of Revolution will be Race 53.

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