Tour De France

Tour De Force – Yorkshire Grand Depart – Greatest Ever


Tour De Force

Yorkshire Grand Depart – Greatest Ever

Press Release 06 July 2014

Yorkshire is bidding a fond au revoir to the greatest ever Grand Depart of the Tour de France.

Millions of spectators lined the routes of the two Yorkshire stages, creating unprecedented scenes that left the rides, teams and organisers astounded by what they had witnessed.

Christian Prudomme, director of the Tour de France, said: “I work for the Tour, but I love the Tour, and I have seen that the people of Yorkshire love the Tour too. I can see the Tour in their hearts, and in their eyes. For that, I say thank you to Welcome to Yorkshire, and to everyone in Yorkshire who has made this Grand Depart so very, very special.”

“Bernard Hinault said to me, it is the first time in 40 years on a bike that he has seen crowds like we saw this weekend. What you did was good for Yorkshire, for sure, but what you did was also good for the Tour. When you said you would deliver the grandest Grand Depart it was the truth, you have raised the bar for all future hosts of the Tour de France.”

Gary Verity, chief executive of Welcome to Yorkshire, said: “When we first bid for the Grand Depart of the Tour de France, I promised Christian Prudhomme that we would deliver the grandest Grand Depart the Tour has ever seen. It gives me immense pride to say that we made good on that promise, and the success of this spectacular event will welcome an incredible new chapter in the history of Yorkshire.”

“Millions of people both right here at the roadside an in homes all over the world have seen the magnificence of Yorkshire, and our beautiful county has done itself proud once again.”

The economic impact of hosting the world’s greatest cycling race has been conservatively estimated to be worth £100m to the Yorkshire economy.

Verity Added: “We might have to revise those economic impact figures after the scenes we have witnessed this weekend. Undoubtedly, it will give a huge boost to the Yorkshire economy but it’s the images of Yorkshire people, Yorkshire pride and Yorkshire’s outstanding landscapes beamed around the world which have been simply priceless for the county”.

Other key facts to Yorkshire are:

  • Tourism in Yorkshire is worth around £7 billion annually.
  • The county’s industry employs almost a quarter of a million people.
  • There are 216 million visits to Yorkshire each year.

All Images Copyright of Welcome To Yorkshire & Le Tour Yorkshire

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